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Improving Job performance

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:14 pm
by LD
Hello All,

Following is the pictorial view of an under performing job I have:
Green-> Hashed Files
Orange-> Transformer
Red -> OCI Stage

Info about jobs:

Source count records < 400K
Array Size in OCI =1000, Transaction size =0, Transaction handling 10k


All Hashed files Type 18
'Allow Stage write cache' is enabled, Modulus is 1, Separation is 3
Hashed file key column varies from 1 to 3
Private caching enabled, cache size (256MB)
Data in Hashed files is not growing; max row in Hashed file is < 2k
Hashed files have only required column and column width is defined as required.

Four custom routines are used for data quality check on ~50 source columns


Memory Size: 29696 MB
Good Memory Size: 29696 MB

Number Of Processors: 4
Processor Clock Speed: 1648 MHz
CPU Type: 64-bit
Kernel Type: 64-bit

Job performance is 50rows/sec. What can I do to improve the job performance

Let me know if you guys need any other info.


Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:25 pm
by chulett
First question in my mind is what Update Actions are you using in your target OCI stages? You could also determine if the lookups are a bottleneck by putting an @FALSE contraint in the last transformer for all of the output links so all the prep work is done but nothing is written to the target tables. If it still seems slow then your hashed file lookups are at least one of the culprits, otherwise I'd suspect the target work.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:59 am
by LD
Hi Craig,

I am doing upserts(update then insert) in the target OCI.

I did removed the Target OCI with sequential file and upserts went to 90rows/sec from 50. But I don't think that's a performance boost.


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:06 am
by chulett
All target OCI stages? If that's the case then your upserts don't seem to be the issue, the hashed lookups are. You said that 'cached writes' were enabled, which doesn't make sense with the design you've posted - did you mean cached reads?

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:12 am
by LD
Yes all the OCI Stages. I even removed the source OCI with seq file.
And yes I meant preload to memory is enabled in Hashed files.


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:18 am
by swapnilverma
could u shift some of look ups to oracle ( with SQL join ) ??

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:10 pm
by LD

The OCI lookup will make the process more slower.


Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:07 pm
by gateleys
You could use an Interprocess buffer between the Transformers so that an otherwise single process be split among the CPUs. Let us know the result if you think it may result in an overall performance gain.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 11:46 pm
by swapnilverma
I ment SQL joins instead of HASH lookup... if columns are indexed it will be faster


The OCI lookup will make the process more slower.


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:40 am
by ray.wurlod
Have you enabled inter-process row buffering? Try with more transformer stages, with no more than four or five reference inputs each.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:49 am
by arunpramanik
Is there any complex query with condition at the source OCI?
How fast the data is being retrived from source database?

You are doing insert and update at the same time. Is your target table are properly indexed on key columns particularly for update process? I will prefer to separate OCI stage or even a separate jobs for insert and update.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:58 am
by ArndW
In order to determine what can be done to "tune" this job, you need to establish some reference values first. Start off with just your source OCI stage and write straight to a sequential file at /dev/null; i.e. a copy of this job with just 2 stages. What is your Rows/Second speed for this job? This will be your absolute maximum attainable speed. If it isn't as fast as you expected, you will have to tune your query or speed up your database or transfer less data or a combination of those three changes.
Once that is done, implement the changes in the original job. What is the throughput now? Has it changed at all? If the OCI read speed was acceptable, then you need to find out if your OCI write speed is acceptable. Make a copy of the job and write to a flat file instead of OCI. What is the throughput? Now write a job that reads the sequential file and writes to OCI. What is that throughput?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 3:06 am
by arunpramanik
Plus there are so many target tables. Looks like some table may have foreign key references between themselves. Is the data load is properly sequenced like first master then the details?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:46 am
by LD
@gateleys Thanks for your suggestion, speed increased from 90 to 140 using inter process. 140 is with all seq file as source and target. I'll post the numbers after replacing the source and targets with OCI stages.

@Swapnil I'll try your suggestion

@Ray yes the inter-process row buffering is enabled. I'll try with more transformers and will post the results here is sometime.

@Arun As this is Upsert job I drop index before this job starts and recreate index later.

@ArndW I have tried removing all OCI and replacing them with seq file. the speed increased from 50 to 90.
Using the Inter process increased the speed to 140row/sec
I'll get the maximum attainable speed as you have suggested.


Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 4:23 pm
by LD
Hi All,

I tried few suggestions and here are the outcome:

#Max attainable speed using select and dumping data in seq file is 5.5k row/sec
Max attainable speed using sqlldr 'direct load' from is >10k row/sec.
I have a question on this, why is there almost 4k row/sec drop when using datastage ? Can the throughput like sqlldr in datastage ?

#Swapnil I tried to include most of the lookups in select query; but the select was becoming more complex. Though I included 2 of the lookups in sql joins but nothing significant gain in performance.

#Next I'll try adding more transformers so that number of lookups per Transformer can be reduced.
