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function 'utf_to_row()' failed

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:18 pm
by deva
Hi I am using ftp stage and loading the data into seq file. The same configuration is working for the other jobs. But for this job it is not working I am getting the following errors.

Test_sample..Transformer_12: Internal error: function 'utf_to_row()' failed

Test_sample..Transformer_12: Function, convertRBufToUTF() error: Unable to map data to internal character set.(cntr>5).

If I change the language to uft-8 job is not aborting but I am getting the following message and data is not join with reference ( we have valid data in reference table.)

nls_map_buffer_out() - NLS mapping error, row 163 (approx), row = ""87198520"|"TRANSMISSIONES PARA


DE QRO, QRO, MEXICO 7"|"PEDRO ESCOBEDO,QRO "|" "|"76700 "|"03170"|"

I am using datastage 8.1 and server is on windows 2003.

I try to find all solutions from dsxchange but I didn't get any solution. In IBM site it saying we need to install patch. I don't thing so. Because of same configuration is working for different job. And I have delete the original job and recreated but no use.

Can some one help me on this issue? is this error because of data or problem with stage or language settings? We are using ms1252 language.

Re: function 'utf_to_row()' failed

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:08 am
by deva
Can any one please help me on this. I didn't get any solution as of now.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:39 am
by chulett
Why not make sure you are current on patches, get that possibility off the table? IBM will want you to have done that first before you go to them for any help.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:42 am
by ArndW
find out what the numeric value of the ? character is in your source string "TRANSMISIONES Y EQUIPOS MEC?NI"using the source system mapping (it won't be MS1252 if it isn't on a windows system). Then, using google or search engine of your choice, find out if that character can be mapped to MS1252 - my guess is that the character cannot be mapped and that is why you are receiving this value.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:50 am
by deva
All columns are the varchar data type. And the DS server is on windows. As I said I don't know if the language is UFT-8 getting success but data is not matching.