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Phantom warning

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:15 am
by raji33
Hi All,

I have a job like this oracle----->transformer------>oracle

when i try to run job everything is fine regards are getting loaded but I am ending up getting following error can any one aware of it plz help me

start problems
DataStage Job 539 Phantom 13455
DataStage Phantom Finished


Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:37 am
by chulett
Sheesh, I don't know why you felt a need to do this when I'd already created your new post for you and all you had to do was update it. OK, fine we'll play here... and I've nuked your other post.

As I noted in that other post, nothing you've posted so far indicates any kind of problem. What are you seeing - jobs aborting or finishing with warnings? If aborting, have you tried Resetting the job from the Director and looking for a "From previous run..." message? In any case, you need to post the actual unedited messages you are getting that make you think there is a problem. Something other than "start problems".

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:41 am
by raji33
sorry its not error its warning ,job is working fine and data is getting loading but iam getting this warning at last

start problems
DataStage Job 539 Phantom 13455
DataStage Phantom Finished

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:46 am
by chulett
That's literally exactly what it says? Just three lines with "start problems" all lower case like that as the first line? If so, that's not something I've ever seen in all my years using the tool. :?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:03 am
by raji33
Now when i try to run the similar job iam getting the similar warning is their any thing to worry with this warning ?data is getting loaded but ending up with this these kind of warning in view log

start problems
DataStage Job 541 Phantom 8987
DataStage Phantom Finished

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:52 pm
by ray.wurlod
Literally "start problems" as a single line? Or are you summarising?

I've never seen "start problems" in a job log entry.

If the file in &PH& contains more than two lines, it is copied to the job log as a warning. Therefore you have to figure out what's generating "start problems" onto stderr of one or more of the job's processes. (stdout and stderr of job processes are captured into the file in &PH&.)

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:03 pm
by chulett
Hmmm... perhaps a custom routine was added with a print statement (or something similar) in it? :?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:44 pm
by raji33
No I didn't use any routines. In fact I have used custom sql and I didn't put any constraints in transformer, its a straight move.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 6:51 pm
by rkaredia

I do see that error in other jobs. We run commands to refresh materialized view jobs through Datastage. Recently they have started finishing with warning, and the warning is similar to what raj had posted.

I see a strange message now when i try to log out of UV.
Below is the output when I try to log out of universe.

Code: Select all

au11qap23itels2(nus967pi) $ start problems

When I type LO and enter I see the above message.

Below is the exact warning message from the Datastage director log.

Code: Select all

DataStage Job 249 Phantom 5718
start problems
DataStage Job 249 Phantom 5754
DataStage Phantom Finished
Output from PH directory is as under.

Code: Select all

/&PH&> cat DSR.ADMINDISPLAY_53061_15622_807303
start problems

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:35 am
by asorrell
Very strange. No idea really, never seen anything like that error message before. The fact that you are getting it in the uvsh shell means it is a problem with the engine. I would think it might mean it is having a problem getting a shared memory segment, semaphore or some other resource but that would be a guess. I have no idea how to go about isolating the problem. Especially since the real problem is the engineer that designed an error message with no useful info in it, not even what generated it.

I'd say call your support provider, and please come back and post here if they are able to diagnose it.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:48 pm
by ray.wurlod
Can you please determine whether your project (account) has enties called LOGIN, ON.EXIT or ON.ABORT in the VOC file?

Code: Select all


Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:39 pm
by rkaredia
Thanks for your reply. Below is the output from the LIST command.

Code: Select all

LIST.ITEM VOC "LOGIN" "ON.EXIT" "ON.ABORT" 09:28:56am  20 Oct 2010  PAGE    1

001 PA - DataStage

001 PA On Abort paragraph for DataStage
002 DSD.OnAbort

"ON.EXIT" not found.
I have also tried DS.REINDEX ALL but this did not fix the issue. We have 2 production servers running in parallel. This issue is only effecting one prod server, if I run the same job on server 2 i do not get that phantom error.

I have to try to restart datastage to see if that fixes the issue. Unfortunately that is not an easy option as I have to go through lots of approvals. I will update this page of the results as soon as I have an outcome.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:26 pm
by rkaredia
First thanks to Ray, asorrell for providing helping hand.

I got the issue resolved by restarting datastage engine. I am not sure if Raj had his issue resolved.

I had seen another post were some one suggested that their issue related to start problems was resolved by reindexing datastage repository.

I am not sure if this thread could be marked in Resolved state.