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DataStage on Windows

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 11:19 pm
by dpsahoo
My next module is being planned to be implemented on an existing Windows machine. There are quite a number of high volume files that needs to be processed and I am getting a bit jittery whether they will hold up on the Windows server using a SERVER job. I am proposing to use a (new)Unix box so that the parallel architecture can be completely utilised in processing these high-volume data in an effective manner. But the client is a bit hesitant in investing in new hardware only for this reason :(

I am preparing a case for the movement towards a Unix box, but I need more use cases/examples which shows Windows is less dependant than Unix in hosting & processing DataStage jobs.

Can you guys plz provide some inputs/couple of statements which you might have experienced while using Windows machine for DataStage??


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:04 am
by tcj
Just migrating server edition to a unix server doesn't mean you are going to make use of the parallel architecture.

Are you proposing to go to parallel edition on the unix server?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:25 am
by dpsahoo
tcj wrote:Just migrating server edition to a unix server doesn't mean you are going to make use of the parallel architecture.

Are you proposing to go to parallel edition on the unix server?
Hi tcj,

Yes. Thats the reason why I am proposing to make move to Unix so that the high vol jobs are handled better.

What I was looking out for was the reasons why Windows cant be used in these scenarios.

Appreciate the reply.
