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SAP Connection Error

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:34 pm
by Sreedhar

I am tyring to connect to SAP systems. I am able to successfully connect with some other servers except the one I am workin on.

Any Idea of what this error mean and what could be a possible solution to resolve this.

Message : Value for ID "ASHOST" Not found.
internal Status:


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:44 pm
by asorrell
All systems that are accessed via either the SAP Pack or the SAP BW Pack must have their connections pre-configured using the DataStage Administrator Client for SAP (Note: not the same as the regular Administrator Client).

Your administrator needs to either add a new definition for the server or tell you the name he is using to configure the server you are trying to connect to.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:17 pm
by Sreedhar
Yes I see them in the SAP Admin. I did get the name of the server from my admin.

Are they any other area's where I need to update the server name?


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:48 pm
by asorrell
First of all is "ASHOST" the name of the server in the config file?

If it is, then your admin has a problem in the config file. If not, then you need to reset your job to use the new server name. That will have to be "re-selected" to the new values in your SAP stage in the job, then recompiled.

If the connection name is set to a parameter, then you can just feed in the new name at runtime - but only if the source name and all other values required by the stage are identical on the other system.

Also - your admin should be able to verify the connection both ways. SAP admins can verify their connection to the DataStage RFC system, and your DataStage admin should be able to open and "re-save" the configuration, which will check for connection errors at that time. If it saves cleanly with no errors, then it has logged into the remote system and verified connectivity.

At that point you can be sure it is something wrong with your job. For anyone to help you further at that point you'll need to post a lot of details in terms of Stage types, configuration info, etc.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:38 am
by Sreedhar

What I understood is that we need to install SAP Logon GUI before we processed for the SAP Pack Installation.

Once I installed the SAP Logon Pad, I was able to able to successfully install the SAP packs on my system.

If any one need, any further information on the same. Let me know.
