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connecting to database by NT Id

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:06 pm
by Zafar
Hi All,
Below is the issue:

1) There is a database on SQL server which has access to windows NT id and not to DataStage admin id.
2) Created a DSN with DataStage admin id (as windows NT id does not have access to create DSN) on DataStage server to connect to the above database.
3) Created a simple job with ODBC stage as source and another ODBC as destination(some other database having all the access to all the id's).
3) If we run this job with above DSN in source with windows NT id (used to log in to DataStage) will it work?
4) If we run this job with above DSN in source with DataStage admin id will it work?
5) Is there some other way to fetch the data from above database without getting access to DataStage admin id?

Re: connceting to database by NT Id

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:28 am
by chulett
Zafar wrote:There is a database on SOL server
So... 'SOL server' should really have said 'SQL Server'? As in that is the 'database' you keep mentioning?

Ironical typo, btw.

Re: connceting to database by NT Id

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:50 pm
by vivekgadwal
Zafar wrote: 3) IF we run this job with above DSN in source with windows NT id (used to log in to data stage) will it work?
4) IF we run this job with above DSN in source with data stage admin id will it work?
5) Is there some other way to fetch the data from above database without getting access to data stage admin id?
Well, did it work for you?

I ran into this issue and I couldn't make it run. I was on the clock at that I requested the DBA to give a generic account to log-in and get the work done. So, I am curious if you have got a work-around it!

connceting to database by NT Id

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:48 am
by Zafar
I am also doing the same thing...I asked for the permission on SQL server admin id .