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Transform Functions vs Transforms

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:19 am
by zulfi123786
I have gone through the server job guide but what i am confused is both of them look alike.
For example ConvertMonth is a Routine and MONTH.FIRST is a transform surprisingly the code of this transform is nothing but the earlier listed routine 'ConvertMonth(%Arg1%, "F")' . Can any one list the the differences between the Transform Functions and Transforms and why the guide places Transform Functions in routines category and not in Transforms.

Thanks you.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:12 am
by ray.wurlod
In the very early versions of the product, the only way to invoke a Routine was through a Transform. That ceased to be the case, if I recall correctly, about version 3.0.

Transforms become in-line code in the job so, if a Transform is changed, every job that uses it has to be re-compiled. However, Routines are independent. If a Routine is changed, provided that the number and type of arguments don't change, jobs and sequences that invoke the routine do not need to be recompiled.