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Logging off DataStage Job and Designer

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:23 pm
by nandela.sudheer
When we opened a DataStage designer, there will be two process will be created in DataStage(dscs 5 0 0, dsapi_slave 8 7 0).

When I am closing data Stage Job and application. Still these processes are running. Every time by using DataStage Director I have to logoff these sessions. This is a big resource issue when multiple jobs running. And it is creating a Job Controller Issue.

Please suggest what might causing this issue?

Thanks for your help.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:44 pm
by chulett
A normal close of Designer should kill those processes. Is there anything... unusual... with your setup? Connecting over VPN or via a Citrix server, for instance?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:15 pm
by nandela.sudheer
Not using VPN or Citrix server. Yes, It looks like setup issue. If this is setup issue what may cause this issue? We have requested IBM look into this issue. They asked us to run some commands and send the output. Send those outputs. But we couldn't receive the correct answer from months. We installed some patchs also between as directed by support group.

I felt this is the right place, where more experienced and techincal people who can help us better and faster.


Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:18 pm
by chulett
Can you let us know what commands they asked you to run? Also, what kind of UNIX is your server O/S and what is your exact version of DataStage? Any ideas on what patches you installed?