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Problem with Sequence Run

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:15 pm
by aladap12
HI All

I have a Job seqence that is scheduled to run every day.
When I ran the whole seq with my credentials it is working fine,
when we call it from the scheduler it is failing.

Log tells me that unable to open the .txt file. when I recompile ran the job locally it is working fine.

I need to notify one more thing . File name is not same as I have in Parameter set (Case difference). When I ran manually it is running fine,
when we are running the same job with admin id it is not running properly..

My question is does datastage case sensitive when reading the .txt file.

If yes ,, then why it is ignoring case if I ran the job sequencer out side the schedular..

Please suggest me


Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:24 pm
by chulett
Windows is not case sEnsiTive. Can you post the full unedited error messages, please, from the scheduled run?

Thanks for the response

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:27 pm
by aladap12
chulett wrote:Windows is not case sEnsiTive. Can you post the full unedited error messages, please, from the scheduled run? ...
Get_Schools..School_abc_out: DSD.SEQOpen Failed to open P_abc.txt in directory \\mtdapp09\P311\InputFiles\Schools

But actual file p_abc.txt.

when I ran it out side the schedular we are good

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:41 pm
by chulett
So, UNC path - this file is actually on a remote server. UNIX or Windows? Is the filename a job parameter or coded in the job? No clue what a 13 is but I'd double-check permissions.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:53 am
by aladap12
chulett wrote:So, UNC path - this file is actually on a remote server. UNIX or Windows? Is the filename a job parameter or coded in the job? No clue what a 13 is but I'd double-check permissions. ...
We are in Windows.And the file is in DS server only.

Before this job activity we have excute command activity that calls core ftp.exe and gets file from remote server to Datastage server.

Seq trigger set as on sucess to further .. if fails it terminates the job.I mean exec comm reply other than 0 then it fails.

..Point is when we schedule this job from DS schedular than it is aborting in the job activity and in the log it says me like unable to open the file..

If I ran the job sequencer manually with my credentials it is sucessfully finished..

I am still not figured out what would be the reason.. Why it is failing with adming user, not in my case...

Please suggest me..


we are using the parameter sets, file name coming from there

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:39 am
by aladap12
aladap12 wrote:
chulett wrote:So, UNC path - this file is actually on a remote server. UNIX or Windows? Is the filename a job parameter or coded in the job? No clue what a 13 is but I'd double-check permissions. ...
We are in Windows.And the file is in DS server only.

Before this job activity we have excute command activity that calls core ftp.exe and gets file from remote server to Datastage server.

Seq trigger set as on sucess to further .. if fails it terminates the job.I mean exec comm reply other than 0 then it fails.

..Point is when we schedule this job from DS schedular than it is aborting in the job activity and in the log it says me like unable to open the file..

If I ran the job sequencer manually with my credentials it is sucessfully finished..

I am still not figured out what would be the reason.. Why it is failing with adming user, not in my case...

Please suggest me..


Re: we are using the parameter sets, file name coming from t

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:52 am
by aladap12
aladap12 wrote:
aladap12 wrote:
chulett wrote:So, UNC path - this file is actually on a remote server. UNIX or Windows? Is the filename a job parameter or coded in the job? No clue what a 13 is but I'd double-check permissions. ...
We are in Windows.And the file is in DS server only.

Before this job activity we have excute command activity that calls core ftp.exe and gets file from remote server to Datastage server.

Seq trigger set as on sucess to further .. if fails it terminates the job.I mean exec comm reply other than 0 then it fails.

..Point is when we schedule this job from DS schedular than it is aborting in the job activity and in the log it says me like unable to open the file..

If I ran the job sequencer manually with my credentials it is sucessfully finished..

I am still not figured out what would be the reason.. Why it is failing with adming user, not in my case...

Please suggest me..


In addition to that we are using parameter sets , we are getting file name from there. No hard coded in the job level

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:00 am
by chulett
OK, here's a free bit of Forum Etiquette advice:

Please don't quote everything every time you post. Use the 'Reply with Quote' option when it is appropriate so people know what you are replying to if there might be any confusion, but most of the time that's not needed and there's a perfectly loverly Reply to Topic button lower down that starts you off with a clean slate. Just like this.

And do not put your reply in the Subject line, no-one can see it there until they go to Reply and most of the time they won't even bother.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:37 am
by aladap12
[Thanks for the advice, I am sorry for that.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:50 am
by aladap12
Can you any one give any suggestions regarding my Issue.


Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:03 am
by chulett
I'm curious why you are using a UNC path to the file when it allegedly resides locally on your DataStage server? You certain it's not on a mapped drive? That would only be used for 'network' resources, hence the question. And probably your issue.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:32 am
by DSguru2B
When you ftp the file over, what id are you using? Once the file is created, check the permissions of the file and make sure that the id that your scheduler uses to fire off the jobs has atleast read permissions to it.