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Can't shutdown DataStage server as 'dsadm' user

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:30 am
by tonystark622
Hi everyone,

I'm building 2 new servers for v8.1 DataStage. My development server is up and running ok. I'm building my production server now and have run into an issue... I can't shutdown the DataStage server when logged in as the 'dsadm' user.

I think if I can understand how the 'dsadm' user is able to execute the 'ds.rc' script file to do the shutdown, I'll be ok, but I can't get anyone to give me a satisfactory explanation... including IBM Support.

I login as my 'dsadm' user. cd to the DSEngine directory. "Source" the dsenv file then try to shutdown the Datastage server (./bin/uv -admin -stop). I get the error "/bin/sh: : 0403-016 Cannot find or open the file.".

The ./bin/uv file owner and permissions are the same as on my development server:
-rwsr-x--x 1 root dstgescm 64492 Oct 14 2008 ./bin/uv

The ./sample/ds.rc file owner and permissions are the same as on my development server:
-r-x------ 1 root system 16892 Jun 26 10:27 ./sample/ds.rc

What I think is that because the ./bin/uv file has the 's' bit set in the execute position of the owner's permissions that the ./bin/uv script assumes the owner's identity when it is executed. Because ./bin/uv is owned by root, the file should be executed with root privileges. Because of the r-x in the group permissions of the ./bin/uv file, any member of the dstage group (dstgescm here) should be able to execute the ./bin/uv file. When the ./bin/uv file, which is owned by root and only has execute permission by root, executes the ./sample/ds.rc file, it _should_ be able to do so because ./bin/uv is executing with root privileges. However, this is where I get the error. The IBM Support person had me execute the ./bin/uv command with truss and captured the output. She said the truss file is showing that I don't have permission to execute the ./sample/ds.rc file.

My sysadmins and the IBM Support folks haven't been able to figure this out.

I would appreciate any help that I can get solving this issue, as I hesitate to proceed in configuring my production server until this matter is resolved.

Thanks again for your time and consideration,

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:52 am
by ArndW
What happens when you just execute "./bin/uv" from the $DSHOME directory? (use "QUIT" to exit TCL if successful). What happens if you copy the "uv" executable and, with 777 permissions to the copy, execute it?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:46 pm
by tonystark622
Hi Arndw,

When I run ./bin/uv it goes to the > prompt (DataStage shell).

I copied uv to uv1... The owner on uv = root. The owner on uv1 = dsadescm (my dsadm user). I changed the permissions to rwxrwxrwx. When I ran it, I got the same error as when I run the 'uv' command "Cannot find or open the file". I presume that was because the uv1 file is owned by dsadescm and not root like the uv file is.

Hope this helps,

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:26 pm
by chulett
I don't really understand what "file" it is referring to. :?

Here is the kind of thing I was finding online, but it doesn't seem applicable:

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:00 pm
by tonystark622
According to the IBM Support person, the truss.out file shows that ./bin/uv was trying to access the ./sample/ds.rc file:

454776: accessx("sample/ds.rc", 01, 0)

Apparently this happened right before the error message:

accessx("sample/ds.rc", 01, 0) Err#13 EACCES

Dunno if this helps any...

Thanks, Tony

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:32 pm
by tonystark622
OK. This issue has been resolved.

I installed DataStage v8.1 in the /appl directory (/appl/datastage/v8_1). The /appl directory had a logical volume mounted on it. It was mounted with "suid" = no or false or something like that.

We stopped DataStage and my sysadmin logged on as root, unmounted the volume on /appl and modified the mount table, enabling suid. Then she remounted the logical volume on /appl. This fixed it.

Hope nobody else runs into this.


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:22 pm
by chulett
Ah... thanks for posting the resolution Tony. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:57 pm
by tonystark622
You're welcome, Craig. That's what makes this place work...