SQL server connectivity

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SQL server connectivity

Post by chanduch9 »


We need to change the Databse, planning to use SQL server DB instead of Oracele DB.
For that i need to test the SQL connectivity in my environment. and i got a SQL server name ,DB name ,User_id and pwd.

Can you tell me what are all i need to setup? before i create a sample job with ODBC stage (Source ODBC stage for SQL server -> Target Oracle stage)
Do i need to add TNS entry in any of the Unix files(in DSEngine).

It will be helpfull if someone give me detailed steps.

Thanks in Advance
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Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:07 am

Post by hailun »

Update the .odbc.ini file loacated in $DSHOME thru adding the DSN with the correct Driver information,ip address,username&password and port num...

Update the uvodbc.config file loacated at $DSHOME and each project directory,adding the new DSN name...

Update the dsenv file....and execute this file after updating..
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