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Scheduling Error

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:28 am
by varaprasad
I was trying to setup a user id and password to schedule a DataStage sequencer job at the Schedule tab of DS Administrator client. I entered the User ID and Password values but I noticed the TEST button is disabled. And when I simply saved by clicking on OK button without TESTing, it is not working. Means, when I re-login to the administror, it is showing only the User ID in the Schedule tab section. Password is appearing blank. My user ID doesn't have any admin previleges. I used the same used ID for the Schedule user.
Can anybody help me to find out the exact issue with this? Lack of admin previleges to my user id to setup the schedule user? or something else?

Re: Scheduling Error

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:22 pm
by sun rays
Test button is enabled only if you logged in as an administrator.
The user -id to schedule the jobs must belong to a local adminstrators group.