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Status code 96 DSJS_CRASHED

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:24 am
by wbeitler
Hi all,

any clues on return code 96 ('Job was stopped by some indeterminate action') ?! Can't think of any indeterminate actions.... :(

According to the director log the sequence finished ok but the scheduling software receives return code 96.... Happens for multiple sequences... Tried searching the forum but no clues yet...

DS-Version 7.5.1 :oops: on Windows Server 2003 using Scheduling tool GECS



Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:47 am
by ArndW
Have you tried resetting the job then looking at the "from previous run" entry in the director log? This might provide additional information.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:59 am
by wbeitler
Yes. Unfortunately no extra info was logged.



Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:32 am
by ArndW
Try clearing out the contents of the &PH& project subdirectory and re-running the job, then looking at the text files to see if there is additional error information visible.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:38 am
by wbeitler
That narrowed down the problem.... A file was created in the &PH& project subdirectory containing a phantom:

DataStage Job 277 Phantom 4400
Program "DSD.RUN": Line 2156, Variable previously undefined. Zero length string used.

But then again... the generated code in RT_BP277 only contains 1219 lines ? Any other place to look then the RT_BP-folder to find the code actually executed by DSD.RUN? Or am i missing something here...

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:45 am
by ArndW
The error occurred in the DSD.RUN program, not in your generated code. If you know how to get to the TCL prompt, then you could try "VLIST DSD_BP DSD_RUN.B" and post 15 lines before and after 2156 and someone here might point you at the possible cause.

Since it is a DataStage program, it cannot be fixed but the error might be being caused somewhere in your program.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:47 am
by ArndW
The error occurred in the DSD.RUN program, not in your generated code. If you know how to get to the TCL prompt, then you could try "VLIST DSD_BP DSD_RUN.B" and post 15 lines before and after 2156 and someone here might point you at the possible cause.

Since it is a DataStage program, it cannot be fixed but the error might be being caused somewhere in your program.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:07 am
by wbeitler
Hmmm seems to be somewhere around the Environment variable passing... "Job parameter is not encrypted, but environment variable definition is encrypted...."

We are in fact using the UtilityRunJob in this specific sequence to fire of jobs... And the paramlist is build as a string, though the job being called expects encrypted environment variables....

I'll give it a go without the environment variables being passed to the UtilityRunJob-call (it's useless anyway)... so one moment....


Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:11 pm
by wbeitler
:roll: Hmm that didn't solve the problem... I'm now skipping all encrypted parameters when passing the paramlist to the UtilityRunJob...

So the problem seems to be elsewhere...

Any proper way to catch the VLIST DSD_BP DSD_RUN.B output ? retyping 30 lines of code does not appeal to me that much....

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:22 pm
by chulett
Search the forums for COMO ON for discussions on how to land that output for you.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:14 am
by wbeitler
Never old enough to learn...

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:15 am
by wbeitler

Code: Select all

02133 0500E : 0A4 gosub          0522C: 
02134 05014 : 06E eq             ErrorMsg ""  => $R246 
02134 0501C : 2DE testfw         $R246 0502A: 
02135 05024 : 0F8 move           Decoded  => DECRYPTED.VALUE 
02135 0502A : 0C2 jump           05036: 
02138 05030 : 0F8 move           PARAM.VALUE  => DECRYPTED.VALUE 
02141 05036 : 06E eq             DECRYPTED.VALUE "$PROJDEF"  => $R245 
02141 0503E : 2DE testfw         $R245 050FE: 
02144 05048 : 196 subr           "DSD.GetProjEnvVarValue" Errmsg PARAM.NAME PARAM.VALUE ENV.TYPE  => $R246 
02144 05058 : 2DE testfw         $R246 050EA: 
02145 05060 : 064 dyn_replace    PARAM.VALUE.FROM.ENV IX 0 0 "$PROJDEF"  => PARAM.VALUE.FROM.ENV 
02149 0506E : 06E eq             PARAM.TYPE 1  => $R247 
02149 05076 : 106 ne             ENV.TYPE "Encrypted"  => $R248 
02149 0507E : 008 and            $R247 $R248  => $R249 
02149 05086 : 2DE testfw         $R249 050B0: 
02150 05090 : 0F8 move           "DSTAGE_RUN_E_0438"  => _T0358 
02150 05096 : 0F8 move           "Environment variable '%1' type mismatch. Job parameter is encrypted, but environment variable definition is not. Please correct by reloading the job parameter in the designer, or changing the environment variable type in the admin client"  => _T0359 
02150 0509C : 196 subr           "*DataStage*DSR_LOADSTRING" _T0358 _T0359 PARAM.NAME  => DEFER.ERROR.MESSAGE 
02150 050AA : 0C2 jump           050EA: 
02151 050B0 : 106 ne             PARAM.TYPE 1  => $R250 
02151 050B8 : 06E eq             ENV.TYPE "Encrypted"  => $R251 
02151 050C0 : 008 and            $R250 $R251  => $R252 
02151 050C8 : 2DE testfw         $R252 050EA: 
02152 050D0 : 0F8 move           "DSTAGE_RUN_E_0439"  => _T0360 
02152 050D6 : 0F8 move           "Environment variable '%1' type mismatch. Job parameter is not encrypted, but environment variable definition is encrypted. Please correct by reloading the job parameter in the designer, or changing the environment variable type in the admin client"  => _T0361 
02152 050DC : 196 subr           "*DataStage*DSR_LOADSTRING" _T0360 _T0361 PARAM.NAME  => DEFER.ERROR.MESSAGE 
02156 050EA : 106 ne             Errmsg ""  => $R246 
02156 050F2 : 2DE testfw         $R246 050FE:
02157 050FC : 15C return         
02164 050FE : 06E eq             DECRYPTED.VALUE "$ENV"  => $R245 
02164 05106 : 2DE testfw         $R245 0522A: 
02170 05110 : 0D0 len            PARAM.NAME  => $R246 
02170 05116 : 0F0 mid            PARAM.NAME 2 $R246  => LOCAL.ENV.NAME 
02171 05120 : 196 subr           "DSD.GetEnv" LOCAL.ENV.NAME  => LOCAL.ENV.SETTING 
02172 0512A : 106 ne             LOCAL.ENV.SETTING ""  => $R246 
02172 05132 : 2DE testfw         $R246 051F4: 
02173 0513C : 064 dyn_replace    PARAM.VALUE.FROM.ENV IX 0 0 "$ENV"  => PARAM.VALUE.FROM.ENV 
02174 0514A : 0F8 move           LOCAL.ENV.SETTING  => PARAM.VALUE 
02178 05150 : 0F8 move           ""  => ENV.TYPE 
02179 05156 : 0F8 move           ""  => DUMMY.VALUE 
02180 0515C : 196 subr           "DSD.GetProjEnvVarValue" Errmsg PARAM.NAME DUMMY.VALUE ENV.TYPE  => $R249 
02180 0516C : 2DE testfw         $R249 051EE: 
02181 05174 : 06E eq             PARAM.TYPE 1  => $R252 
02181 0517C : 106 ne             ENV.TYPE "Encrypted"  => $R253 
02181 05184 : 008 and            $R252 $R253  => $R254 
02181 0518C : 2DE testfw         $R254 051B4: 
02182 05194 : 0F8 move           "DSTAGE_RUN_E_0438"  => _T0362 
02182 0519A : 0F8 move           "Environment variable '%1' type mismatch. Job parameter is encrypted, but environment variable definition is not. Please correct by reloading the job parameter in the designer, or changing the environment variable type in the admin client"  => _T0363 
02182 051A0 : 196 subr           "*DataStage*DSR_LOADSTRING" _T0362 _T0363 PARAM.NAME  => DEFER.ERROR.MESSAGE 
02182 051AE : 0C2 jump           051EE:

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:54 am
by ArndW
$R246 seem to be undefined. Could you search the output for that and see if you can figure out where it is assigned a value?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:59 am
by ArndW
Variable $R246 seems to be undefined. Could you search the output for that and see if you can figure out where it is assigned a value?

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:03 am
by wbeitler
Line 2144 ?

"DSD.GetProjEnvVarValue" Errmsg PARAM.NAME PARAM.VALUE ENV.TYPE => $R246