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Parse XML data into tabular records

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:43 am
by srai
Hi All,

I have a XMLoutput file which contains the data returned from a web service operation. Now my requirement is to parse XMl data in tabular record and insert into a sequential file.

I tried implementing this using XMLinput Stage but I am getting following errors-

"The name '{0}' is not a valid NCName.
expression = '/:WebResponse/:WebResult' Remaining tokens are: ('/')".

I searched this error in forum and came to know that some patch need to be installed.

I just wanted to know is there any work around of this issue. Can we implement it without XML input stage.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:12 am
by sima79
You could write the XML data to a temporary file and parse using Perl, Java, C++ application to extract the data you need. But why go to that much trouble. Just obtain the patch from IBM support so you can use the XML input stage.

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:45 am
by eostic
Your other workaround would be to pass the xml string thru a transformer and remove all the namespaces entirely...that is where the core of this issue is.....but you may still run into things....get the patch.