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Error 81002 waiting for job

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:38 am
by Das
Please help...
I have triggered a DS JOB FROM UNIX Using dsjob command,
Job is finished with out any warnings after 13 hrs and the data is properly loaded to target,so director also shows the status "Finished OK"

But in unix command prompt it is showing the following error meaage
Error 81002 waiting for job

I am using -wait in dsjob command with out specifing any value,whether it could be an issue? as the job runs longer more than 13 hrs...
Or can i specify an wait value for dsjob -wait

Please let me know your thoughts...

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:27 am
by chulett
Wait means wait until finished, you can't specify how long. How soon did the 81002 error show up? Does that match the timeout value you specified in the Administrator?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:15 pm
by yabhinav

I have the same issue. The error comes up on the unix box as soon as the job finishes on the Director.

I searched through the forum and see that its something related to the timeout issue. But i dont know to increase the Timeout time.

Can someone please let me know who to avoid this error.
