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Sequence Taking Longer time to Completion

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:10 am
by yalamanchili

We have Single Set of Interface Jobs around 100 jobs in a sequence. When run for each country Individually it is taking only 20 min to Completion of Entire sequence. But when we are scheduling 2 or 3 countries it is taking 6-8 hours for completion.

Observations while running 3 countries at same time:

1. No Individual Jobs in Sequence is taking less than 30 Secs for Execution
2. In Sequence beteen two job Activities based on output link trigger conditions, it is taking 4-5 Mins
3. Virun Scanning is running on Server ,Which is scanning all the datastage EXE (uvsh.exe) files generated
4. Virus scanning is also running on Datastage Folders continously while Inerface is running
5. As Datastage is file based system, Internal reference files generated is continously scaned.

Can anyone please tell me what could be probable reason for sequence taking longer time to complete.

If Virus scanning is going on Datastage folders or process does this have any impact on Job execution and causing sequence to Execute slowly.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:45 am
by chulett
Of course that scanning will impact performance... disable it, at the very least for DataStage. Heck, we've seen overzealous virus scanners remove critical files before. :shock:

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:53 am
by yalamanchili
Hi Chulett,

Thanks for the reply. As this is production box, we need to raise ticket for removing the virus scanning.

Can you please tell whether excluding the virus scanning on Datastage process generated (uvsh.exe) will do or do we need to remove scanning completlyon Datastage Installation directory.

One more Question, Is this only reason or can there be any other reasons for such beahviour of sequence. After completion of one job, it is Wating for around 4 mins to start the next job in the sequence.

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:58 am
by chulett
Exclude the complete DataStage installation folder. As for your last question... resources? Also, are you pruning the phantom directories (&PH&) in each Project? First shut down AV and see how much that helps.