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Problem with ORAOCI in DataStage.....

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 3:21 am
by knvenkat
Hey All,
I got a problem when Im using with ORAOCI, and ORAOCI8 as Source side. Right now I am using DataStage5.2 Administrator, Designer, Director and Manager in Windows 2000 Professional to my system.

Here I have taken ORAOCI as Lookup. It compiled fine but when I validate this Job in Director. Its giving the Following Fatal Error...

Project:Training [xxx]
Job name:Exercise7
Event #:18
Timestamp:7/7/2002 2:49:16 PM
Event type:Fatal
Exercise7..ORAOCI814: Oracle Error - OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

Here everything fine means ODBC Connections and all.
So I am transferring data to Sequenctial file as Target.
Pls help me out in this. Thanks in Advance.

Ravi :D

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2003 5:55 am
by kcbland
If you're using Oracle OCI stages this is not the same as ODBC. Your DataStage server must have Oracle Client installed and configured. Your message indicates that the tnsnames.ora file does not contain the connection string or if it does it is invalid. From a DataStage server you should try tnsping to make sure the server sees the instance. Until you can do that, DataStage doesn't have a chance.

Good luck!

Re: Problem with ORAOCI in DataStage.....

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2003 9:48 am
by Teej
knvenkat wrote: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
Ensure that your DataStage's ORACLE_HOME is pointing to the correct path, and ensure that the tnsnames.ora file within the ORACLE_HOME\admin directory have that particular instance you are attempting to connect to (Database name). You may need to contact your DBA administrator for help on this.

I am using 6.0, and I found that defining ORACLE_HOME within the project environment would help DataStage identify the right one.


Re: Problem with ORAOCI in DataStage.....

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:59 pm
Hi Ravi,
If you want to work with Oracle plugin the following things are required or set

1) Oracle client has to be installed where DataStage server is there.
2) Create the DSN in tns names.ora file where you need to specify Oracle server address.
3) Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable in user defined variables from DS Administrator.
4) Provide the DSN name being created in tnsnames.ora in Oracle plug-in stage.

This would make your job work.

knvenkat wrote:Hey All,
I got a problem when Im using with ORAOCI, and ORAOCI8 as Source side. Right now I am using DataStage5.2 Administrator, Designer, Director and Manager in Windows 2000 Professional to my system.

Here I have taken ORAOCI as Lookup. It compiled fine but when I validate this Job in Director. Its giving the Following Fatal Error...

Project:Training [xxx]
Job name:Exercise7
Event #:18
Timestamp:7/7/2002 2:49:16 PM
Event type:Fatal
Exercise7..ORAOCI814: Oracle Error - OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

Here everything fine means ODBC Connections and all.
So I am transferring data to Sequenctial file as Target.
Pls help me out in this. Thanks in Advance.

Ravi :D

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:26 am
by chulett
I'm sorry, but again - why in the heck are you running around and responding to two year old posts? :evil: