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Error calling subroutine: DSR_JOB (Action=9)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:04 am
by asrnl
Hi Guys,
i have a little problem, when i try to import a dsx over a project

i get: Error calling subroutine: DSR_JOB (Action=9); check DataStage is set up correctly in project test
(The connection is broken (81002))

It's not a connection issue because i have removed and created de project serveral times and the designer or director are working fine.

Appreciate it if you could enlighten some light in the above issue.



Re: Error calling subroutine: DSR_JOB (Action=9)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:38 am
by Sathishkumarins
how many dsx are you going to import?

Export all dsx once again and try.
The job might be locked check Job resources in Director and if there is any lock release it if it is a existing job.
And if you are going to import more number of jobs then the connection issue might also be a prob.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:17 am
by LenGreenwood
DSR_JOB (Action=9) is the "job upgrade" action that is called during import of a job from an older version of DataStage. It sounds like there is a problem with the format of one of the jobs in the DSX file. If there's more than one job in the file, I can only suggest trying to narrow it down by doing selective import of jobs one by one until you find the one that causes the error. But as to why it's causing a problem - either the job is somehow corrupt in the exporting project, or there's a bug in the upgrade code at import time.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:19 am
by LenGreenwood
DSR_JOB (Action=9) is the "job upgrade" action that is called during import of a job from an older version of DataStage. It sounds like there is a problem with the format of one of the jobs in the DSX file. If there's more than one job in the file, I can only suggest trying to narrow it down by doing selective import of jobs one by one until you find the one that causes the error. But as to why it's causing a problem - either the job is somehow corrupt in the exporting project, or there's a bug in the upgrade code at import time.