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Running ls command from Routine - fails

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:41 am
by Kirtikumar
We have a polling process that reads the files from a dir /project/inputfeeds. The filename would be like Src_Dst_1000_200808.csv (1000 is a increamental no. and ca go up to 1250).

We have used a routine in polling process that fires a ls command with pattern Src_Dst_*_*.csv and gives back the filenames. The polling process then calls the sequence with this filename.

When we run the process when we have 490 files in the dir, it returns the output as rminated [SIGKILL]. When checked the total lines from ls command returned are 490 with 22540 characters. Out of these 490 files, we have first 245 for 200808 and rest for 200809.

But when we winzip around 10 files, then we get the output as rest 480 files.

Is there a limit on Ans variable that it can hold only these many lines or these many characters?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:34 am
by chulett
No limit that I am aware of and I've captured 10s of thousands. What O/S? Does the routine use DSExecute() to run the "ls" command? Do anything else... unusual? :?