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Fatal & Warning Messages In Job Reset

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 3:31 am
by fridge

I have inherited a shell script that first resets a DS job and then goes onto run it. It is used to fire off several different hash file creation DS jobs.

On some jobs the reset returns fatals and warnings with status 21 and then goes on to execute the job itself which appears to run successfully and create the hash file (I can see the hash files and view them).

In other cases the reset works fine, returns a staus 21 and also executes the hash file job with no problem.

The warnings/fatals are always to do with 'Unable to open file'. The hash files for the different jobs are all in the same area and all jobs run under same account. These jobs have run everyday in past without issue but the automated reset as just been added to the shell script.

Can anyone explain why I am getting these on the reset with some jobs but always appear to be able to execute the job without a problem?

Also I have had two examples where the run job appear to start before the reset as completed which causes the job to fall over. I am using '-wait' in the reset. At the moment I am using a 'sleep' between the reset and job run which appears to work but I am not sure why I need to do this.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:35 am
by chulett
"Errors" generated during the Server job reset process are normal and can safely be ignored.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:29 am
by fridge
Thanks alot Craig - I will go ahead and release then.