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TNS: Protocol adapter not loadable

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 12:33 pm
by svkworld
Hello Gurus,

I hope you can help me with the odd message I am getting all of a sudden.

I am trying to run a very simple job that reads from a sequential file and writes to an oracle DB via ODBC stage. No much transformations either but the job fails with the error message: TNS:Protocol adapter not loadable.

I know this is an oracle message but what is surprising me is that I am able to connect to the DB without any problem. Also if I specify a new Datasource in the ODBC stage the job runs fine.

Can you please shed some light on how to fix this issue? I have lot of jobs that read from the current DataSource (which is throwing the error), changing that would mean changing all the jobs.

Re: TNS: Protocol adapter not loadable

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:13 am
by Sathishkumarins
Probably the Database settings won't be properly set in case if you are running those jobs for the first time.
Please check with the server.