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ds_seqopen() - error in 'open()' - Permission denied

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:22 pm
by pxraja
Hi all,

my jobs got aborted by giving this fatal error message,

Sequential_File_25.FileName: ds_seqopen() - error in 'open()' - Permission denied

It is in the sequence, so the sequence got aborted without executing other jobs.

change made is: moved the sequential file in the unix to different folder and made the same path logically. i.e

physically the sequential file is not present in the mentioned path(present in some other path) but logically mapped to the same path what I had used in sequential file.

when I tried viewing the records in sequential file its getting viewed in Datastage job and tried to view in the path mentioned in unix server, records are viewed. But my question is why the job getting aborted by giving above message?

Any one give me the suggestions regarding this?

Thanks in advance

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:19 am
by ArndW
Could you explain how you logically mapped the file (i.e., did you use "ln" for a logical link?). What are the user access rights to the symbolic link and to the actual file - try 777 and see if your error persists.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:19 pm
by kejuste
I have the same problem while running on jobs.

This problem could occur when the user has not set the Job Properties properly.

the user is running a job on one environment and Job properties are pointing to different environment.

Please check the Job Properties before you run the job.