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Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:52 pm
by vivekgadwal
As part of a project, I am trying to FTP two extract files, that I am generating, to Mainframe. Both the files are fixed width (100 characters wide, including filler) and I have two separate jobs for them as they are generated in seperate streams. Both the jobs have the same design:

Code: Select all

Sequential file stage --> FTP stage
The jobs are running fine and GDG's are getting created on Mainframe. But the problem is, when I check in the Mainframe, the file is chopped to 80 characters.
We have encountered a similar issue before and we ran a bat script with the "ftp command"

Code: Select all

quote list lrecl=<number>
as an after job subroutine and the issue got resolved then.

Coming to the problem now, I am trying to use the same command in FTP stage and I couldn't find the right place in the stage to run the ftp command. I tried in every available command property (telnet before cmd, after cmd, transaction cmd etc.) in vain. When used in the before mentioned properties, the job is aborting saying "cannot execute the telnet command" (that is because it is an ftp command). We also put the number of prompts for the telnet as '3' and tried to execute this command in one of the prompts. The jobs are running, but, again, the file is getting chopped off to 80 characters!

Can you please suggest me how to approach this? Any help is much appreciated!


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:09 pm
by chulett
You don't use the FTP stage to issue an ftp command, it is all metadata driven and streaming. If you want to execute the command, script it and run the script after job as you have done.

In the job I would read the file as one long fixed width field of 100 characters and run it through the FTP stage in the same manner. Make sure to tell it to not add delimiters to the output if you do that.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:09 pm
by ray.wurlod
80 characters is a common limit, dating back to the days of punched cards. You have to find out what FTP option (it could be a "before" command) you need to use (on your system) to override this, so that your GTG has the desired line length.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:05 pm
by vivekgadwal
ray.wurlod wrote:You have to find out what FTP option (it could be a "before" command) you need to use (on your system) to override this, so that your GTG has the desired line length.

Thanks for your reply. Can you please explain further what you meant by the above sentence? As far as I know, we need to run that quote site lrecl=<num> ftp command in order to overwrite the 80 character limit and this brings me back to the issue again...where/how do I run that command?
As Craig pointed out, I am not able to run that in FTP stage. Running this as an after-job sub-routine in the previous job that generates the extract file is not possible as I am already utilizing that to do some other action.
chulett: If you want to execute the command, script it and run the script after job as you have done
If there are some errors during FTP, an FTP stage aborts and logs an error in the Director. With the after-job subroutine, we lose that functionality isn't it?!

Thanks for the help in advance!!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:27 pm
by chulett
You only lose functionality in an 'after job' subroutine if you don't code it in. So whatever you need it to log, code that in. If you need to abort the job, either log a fatal error or set the exit status to a non-zero value.

If you need the routine to do multiple things, no reason you can't code multiple steps into the routine if you like.

Haven't dealt with mainframes and wouldn't know a GTG if it bit me in the butt, but I don't think you can issue the quote site lrecl=<num> command by itself in the 'Telnet Before Command'. From what I recall, that is a separate telnet session that connects and disconnects before the ftp is attempted so I don't believe it would persist into the ftp session. Could be wrong, however. :?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:05 pm
by ray.wurlod
That's what I intended - the "telnet before command". Of course your mainframe security probably doesn't allow telnet so you may need to set up a more secure (ssh) approach. But it has to be in the same session.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:16 pm
by vivekgadwal
Thanks Ray and Craig for your replies. As you both pointed out, I was not able to use the FTP command within the FTP stage. So, I just wrote an FTP script and executed the "quote site lrecl=<num>" command. I am running this script from DOS command line as a before job routine using ExecDOS. This is working for me.

Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:18 am
by Aru
vivekgadwal wrote:Thanks Ray and Craig for your replies. As you both pointed out, I was not able to use the FTP command within the FTP stage. So, I just wrote an FTP script and executed the "quote site lrecl=<num>" command. I am running this script from DOS command line as a before job routine using ExecDOS. This is working for me.

I have similar problem with the FTP Stage, while trying to transfer files between windows and MF.

Tried in vain for Telnet Before Command and Transaction Begin Commands. While searching through the DSX forum, came across your post.

Will you be able to share the contents of the ftp script used in the post "Question reg. FTP Stage "

Thanks for your help.

Aru Nangunoori

Re: Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:46 am
by vivekgadwal
Aru wrote: I have similar problem with the FTP Stage, while trying to transfer files between windows and MF.

Tried in vain for Telnet Before Command and Transaction Begin Commands. While searching through the DSX forum, came across your post.

Will you be able to share the contents of the ftp script used in the post "Question reg. FTP Stage "

Thanks for your help.

Aru Nangunoori

My advice on this is, if you are trying to execute any FTP commands (not telnet, but FTP commands like "quotesite") you should use it from Shell/DOS.

I do not have the script with me, as it was with a different client at that time (it has been 2 years almost, so I might not remember certain aspects of the script). All the script does is to open an FTP connection and execute the FTP commands. You see, if the FTP commands like "quotesite" work well when executed from command line. FTP stage does not have the capability to perform such things.

Hope this helps...

Re: Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:15 pm
by Aru

My advice on this is, if you are trying to execute any FTP commands (not telnet, but FTP commands like "quotesite") you should use it from Shell/DOS.

I do not have the script with me, as it was with a different client at that time (it has been 2 years almost, so I might not remember certain aspects of the script). All the script does is to open an FTP connection and execute the FTP commands. You see, if the FTP commands like "quotesite" work well when executed from command line. FTP stage does not have the capability to perform such things.

Hope this helps...[/quote]

Thanks for quick response.
I am able to get a working FTP script at the command DOS prompt. Will try it as a end of the job subroutine to transfer to MF

Re: Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:44 pm
by vivekgadwal
Aru wrote:
Thanks for quick response.
I am able to get a working FTP script at the command DOS prompt. Will try it as a end of the job subroutine to transfer to MF
You're welcome Aru. Glad I could help! :D

Also, the one suggestion that I have with this is, use an Execute Command activity in a Sequence Job so that you will have more control. Even after-job sub-routine is fine too, but I am just saying. It depends on your scenario though.

Re: Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:29 pm
by nirav.parikh
There is an FTP PrePUT command option available in the FTP Stage Properties.

You can use that to issue a site command. This site command will be executed before the file is put on the MF Server.

Let me know if this helps.


Re: Question reg. FTP Stage

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:28 am
by vivekgadwal
nirav.parikh wrote:There is an FTP PrePUT command option available in the FTP Stage Properties.

You can use that to issue a site command. This site command will be executed before the file is put on the MF Server.

Let me know if this helps.

Wow! IBM incorporated this functionality now? What version are you using?