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Dynamic Value in XML name space declaration

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:12 pm
by myukassign
I have a requirement like the following.

I want to add a dynamic date value in the name space declaration of root tag.

<FOODS xmlns:xsi="" Date="2008-09-08">

I know we can declare the name space information in the namespace declaration tag in XML output stage. In the above case, I want the date value to be updated dynamically. Is it possible to call a Datastage function from the name space declaration tab. Or wht is the alternative for my requirement.

FOODS is my root element.

Would appriciate if anyone can help me?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:58 am
by throbinson
We use parameters in the XMLInput stage namespace declaration textbox. I have to believe the XMLOutput stage would allow it as well although I don't know for sure. I very much doubt you can call a function from there. Therefore you'll have to feed the dynamic value into the job containing the dynamic date namsepace as a parameter via a Sequence or some other external mechanism.