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Please helpProblem in Converting from StringToDate(Px 7.5.2)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:12 am
by pdv
Hi...Please help me on the below issue

When i am trying to convert from stringtodate, i am getting below warning...

Conversion error calling conversion routine date_from_string data may have been lost.

My job design is like this...

Sequential file transformer and Dataset.
Input data type is Varchar2(8) and output is Date data type.

Converion function is

If isNull(FrmDR_AGR_D.instl_date) or FrmDR_AGR_D.instl_date='00000000' OR FrmDR_AGR_D.instl_date='99999999' OR FrmDR_AGR_D.instl_date=' ' Then SetNull() Else StringToDate (FrmDR_AGR_D.instl_date,'%yyyy%mm%dd')

My input Value in sequential file is '19990410' and my output value in Dataset is '1999-04-10'
convertion is working fine.. but I am getting the above warning.waring numbers are depends on number of date fields.

Ex : If i have one date filed then one warning..if Two then Two warings like that......

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:34 am
by ArndW
What is your definition for "instl_date"?