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Making ReadOnly Jobs NON-ReadOnly In V8

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:29 am
by fridge
Hi, not sure if this has been covered before but have an export of a 7.5 project that have imported into v8

Some of the jobs are ReadOnly and want to make them editable , however the two ways I have done this before are editing the DSX file or updating DS_JOBS set READONLY="NRO" kind of stuff

But seems all the jobs are set to NRO in DS_JOBS anyway (even though some arnt) and had some problems with the dsx route as seem to get a few import errors (and job still look readonly)

Anyone aware of any problems with this kind of thing on V8 (or am I just being a clutz)

We are still hosting the repository in Universe , i.e. no backend DB2 for it as yet

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:36 am
by ArndW
Changing the .dsx attributes globally ought to do the trick. With V8 you don't have a choice - the metadata goes into an SQL Compliant database of your choice (as long as you choose DB2 or Oracle).

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:52 am
by fridge
cheers arnd - good to know I can still leech of your knowledge

Problem is I hacked the dsx (though only changed the entrys like

Identifier "UKWH_CUST_SINF_IntHPrHash1job"
DateModified "2008-06-27"
TimeModified "17.12.16"
Identifier "ROOT"
OLEType "CJobDefn"
READONLY "1" **** Changed to "0"

But when doing the import get

Line 29543: Missing Readonly for record ROOT.
Class=Job designs.

and others - and all the jobs still readonly

gonna do a global replace - but have feeling done this already and starts whinging about stagetypes not being readonly (presumably because they contained in export)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:08 am
by fridge
actually the global replace Readonly "1" --> Readonly "0" seems to have worked - bit clumsy though

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:23 am
by fridge
okay, still not sure on this , I got some readonly routines into my project via an import , so thought no probs will just used the global replace on my import file readonly "1" ---> readonly "0" - but seems cant import them .

Have suspicion that it is because the routine is already readonly in project so cant overwrite , which makes sense except .....

can delete routine as readonly , and cant make non-readonly as cant reimport !!!!!!!.

HEELPPPPPPPPP, surely I am missing something as IBM cant have dropped Version Control with this kind of tomfoolery going on

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:42 am
by MartinPetri

I have had a similar problem. After a sequence aborted a routine (that is called by the sequence) was read-only and could not be compiled/deleted/renamded/reimported.
I don't know the reason fot this bahavior!

I "resolved" the problem by resetting a read-only flag in the xmeta - repository (Oracle 10 - Database), which obviously was set while running/aborting the sequence.

the command (as user XMETA):

set ISSYSTEM_XMETA = 0 -- old value = 1