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Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:49 am
by veera24
hi all,

I wanna parametrize the column level field. How to do that? I've searched the forum but i couldn get any thing regarding this stuff.

Consider if A & B are my columns and if '123' & 'abc' will be the default value for A & B columns respectively. The default value may change or may not in future. So for this reason i wanna parametrize the coulmns A & B. Will this method will be fine or any other method is there to meet the reqiurement. If so let me know...

So could any one tell me how to parameterize the column derivations...

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:19 am

Please inform which in stage you intend to parameterise column.

For eg if you are usind a db2 database stage DB2/UDB API then you simply need to put '#<Job Parameter>#' in Output --> Column --> Derivation and it would fetch the value of job parameter in that column.
Or you can modify SQL to include job paramter in it.

So please specify which stage inparticular you want to use.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:21 am

Please inform which in stage you intend to parameterise column.

For eg if you are usind a db2 database stage DB2/UDB API then you simply need to put '#<Job Parameter>#' in Output --> Column --> Derivation and it would fetch the value of job parameter in that column.
Or you can modify SQL to include job paramter in it.

So please specify which stage inparticular you want to use.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:29 pm
by veera24
SAMEENA wrote:Hi!

Please inform which in stage you intend to parameterise column.

For eg if you are usind a db2 database stage DB2/UDB API then you simply need to put '#<Job Parameter>#' in Output --> Column --> Derivation and it would fetch the value of job parameter in that column.
Or you can modify SQL to include job paramter in it.

So please specify which stage inparticular you want to use.
hi sameena,

consider the following scenario

input : sequential file
output : odbc stage

the data from the input file needs to be loaded into ODBC stage thru a transformer.


i've one more question to ask you

if i parametrize like '#<Job Parameter>#' as u said, will the output be parameter name alone only na... cos it will just produce the output whatever in the double quotes... Have you ever tried this before? Why am asking this, I've tried the same when the output stage was just a sequential file. Will it make any difference? i mean the output stages...

Hope you will get my point.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:11 pm
In the scenario you have quoted , put job paramater name simply in the derivation field of the column in the transformer.Dont put any '#' or any quote.

For eg. If your job parameter is Test....Then your derivation filed in the transformer for that column should be Test.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:12 pm
In the scenario you have quoted , put job paramater name simply in the derivation field of the column in the transformer.Dont put any '#' or any quote.

For eg. If your job parameter is Test....Then your derivation filed in the transformer for that column should be Test.