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update (temporary)

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:54 am
by tostay2003

I have a job which updates an oracle database. I would like to test the working of this job, but at the same time not update the database as other ppl are depended on it.

I know that I shouldn't commit after execution of the sql.

a) If I someway do not commit, then can others use the data without any additional step to revert back to original data.
b) how do we not commit.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:17 am
by chulett
The only way to not commit is ensure the job aborts, otherwise your changes will be committed. And I don't see how not committing helps you test much of anything. :?

What I do to test the validity of a data stream when I don't want to actually affect the database is replace the DB stage with a Sequential File stage and check that the data that would have been sent to the DB looks correct. That or simply update the table in an environment where it doesn't matter if you pork it - like a Dev or QA environment. Or arrange to have the table(s) recreated in your local schema so you can have your way with them.