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RTI with DS and QS v 7.1.5

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:50 am
by DS_MJ

Would appreciate the following information.

DS= Server v7.1.5
QS Plugg-in v7.1.5
OS: Sun Solaris
DB: Oracle 9i
Topology: DS/QS/ Oracle and RTI on same server. Web Service on another server.


Get a request real time for an address do data cleansing and standardization of address using quality stage then do transformation and a lookup on a Oracle table with maximum 20 million rows using datastage and display the data to users over web services.

1. Is RTI feasiable using Datastage and Quality stage with ver 7.1.5?
2. If so then the timeframe for setting up the RTI environment if RTI / DS / QS is on same server and Web Service on another server?
3. Performance for doing simple lookup using RTI if we do data clensing using QS plugg-in and transformation with DS?
4. Will it be able to handle concurrent SOA request using DS and QS?
5. Cost for buying the RTI and Web services software / Liscense?

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:18 pm
by eostic
Some thoughts...

RTI is absolutely feasible. Perfect application of RTI with DataStage and QualityStage...

If you have DataStage calling QualityStage already, and have worked everything out with your DataStage logic and your QualityStage matching logic, and have QSRT (QualityStage Real Time) all working perfectly, then in a few hours, maybe even less, you can be up and running web services through RTI. RTI may look complex, but is really the easy part.

(btw -- this is vastly simpler in v8 because QualityStage "is" effectively part of the DataStage architecture).

...that's the technical details...I'll leave pricing to your local provider.