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Execute Oracle Applications concurrents from DS 7.5.2

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:31 am
by jseclen
Hi Forum,

I installed the pack for Oracle Applications in my DS server 7.5.2, and i need to execute the concurrents scripts defined inside the oracle applications.

I want to know if it's doable call concurrent programs (launched from the
Oracle Applications GUI) from DataStage using the pack for Oracle

Since concurrent programs call store procedures, we thought that maybe we could use the stored procedure stage, but we've heard that it's not
possible since stored procedures only supports scalar type, and that would
be an issue for calling concurrent program.

Up to now, we haven't found a redbook or something about this subject, is
there a walkaround for this requirement?

Technical Details

DataStage Enterprise 7.5.2
Oracle Financial 11i
RDBMS Oracle
