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Data Field as a FileName

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:56 pm
by Nisusmage
Hello All,

I was just wondering if there is any known way of using a data field as a filename in a sequential stage.

I was thinking, that I could maybe loop through the records and pull all the records into a table with an autonumber i.e.

Code: Select all

And then use the autonumber to loop through with a controller. and pushing the ID into a job as a parameter and looking up the filename and using that in the next job as a parameter. And then using the Parameter in the Sequential File name.

Shoo .. is there any other way to do it..?? .. Because this is a part of a larger job system, and it seems as if it's just getting too complicated to maintain stability.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:24 pm
by Nisusmage
NeverMind. . I got that to work. It's clean enough.

I have 3 jobs and 1 sequence.

1) The first job populates a Hashfile with ID and Filename returns the last @OUTROWNUMBER to the UserStatus.
2) The controller then loops through 1 to the last Job's UserStatus and returns the FileName to the UserStatus.
2.1) This Job follows the second job using the previous Jobs UserStatus as a parameter and populates the filename.

Works like a charm.