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Parameter values of a sequence that is restarted

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:46 am
by goffinw
When the general property 'Add checkpoints...' of a sequence is set, then the sequence is restartable.
When such a sequence aborts then it is in the state 'Aborted/Restartable'.
I noticed that there doesn't exist any action named 'Restart' or such. The only action to restart this sequence is 'Run Now...'. At least in the Director tool.
Uponrestart, if the sequence has Parameters, then the 'Job Run Options' popup window appears.

Question: Do the values of the parameters matter upon restart? I have the impression that they are ignored. Whatever is entered, the parameters used in the restart are the ones that were active when the sequence aborted. Can anyone confirm that?

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:03 am
by bkumar103
The restrartable sequence expects the same parameter list when it was last aborted. If any of the parameter is changed while restart then Data Stage complains about the paramters.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 6:28 am
by chulett
In other words, they are not ignored but are used for the run. And the Sequence will log a warning if they are found to be different when restarting from a failure checkpoint. If you reset the job so that it starts over from the beginning, it won't bother with this check.