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Carrying value from B/Job routine to Job transform stage

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:00 pm
by yserrano
Hello all, I need your help again :)
This time with a Before-Job Subroutine.
I customized some code found in this forum to access an Oracle table from my routine, this is an excerpt of the code:

Code: Select all

Stmt= "select max(":field:") from ":table: " ;"
Call DSLogInfo("Query SQL: " : Stmt, "ExecSQLProc") 
ErrCode1 = SQLBindCol(hStmt, 1, SQL.B.DEFAULT, res1)
status = SQLExecDirect(hStmt, Stmt) 
This is working nice, and what I need now is to carry on the value assigned to res1 to a job tranformer stage. Is it possible? How? Are there different methods to acomplish this?

I intensely searched the forum for some solution before I posted this but only found workarounds for similar situations involving job sequences, which is not my case.
I tried with environment variables without success.

P.D. Want to thank you for the sample code regarding SQLExecDirect and ODBC usage, good job!

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:05 pm
by kcbland
How about not using the before-job routine and using the initialize stage variable functionality? When the Transformer starts, the stage variables initialize themselves. This can include running a process such as a Function, which can in turn do exactly the same steps as the before routines. The best part is that they are Functions, which means that cool Test button works! 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:43 pm
by chulett
In other words, you can't do what you want from 'before job'.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:47 pm
by yserrano
kcbland wrote:When the Transformer starts, the stage variables initialize themselves. This can include running a process such as a Function...
With this approach the function will be called once for every row processed by the job, right? Impacting job performance directly.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:50 pm
by chulett
No - Ken is suggesting the work be done in the Initial Value section of the stage variable's definition, which means it will only happen once per run.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:54 pm
by kcbland
Try it - you'll like it. Initialize stage variables is amazingly powerful functionality.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:16 pm
by chulett
Exactly, it's very cool when it all clicks for you. You then leave the derivation blank in the Transformer so that the value stays static over the course of the run. 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:30 pm
by yserrano
Done. Thank you!
Excelent help as usual.