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Loading NVarchar Fields into SQl server 2005

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:23 pm
by anandkumarm

I am trying to load english data into a NVarchar field in a SQL server 2005 Database Table. I am using ODBC stage and NLS mapping is set to none. For certain records I am getting the following warning and the records are not loaded into the table:

DSD.BCIPut call to OCONV failed.
Column: Phrase, NLS mapname: CODEUNI, Column data (after conversion): D

Any help is appreciated,


Re: Loading NVarchar Fields into SQl server 2005

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:22 am
by MT

I'm loading Unicode data to a SQL Server using NLS MS1252
This works fine

Maybe you should try this as well


anandkumarm wrote:Hi,

I am trying to load english data into a NVarchar field in a SQL server 2005 Database Table. I am using ODBC stage and NLS mapping is set to none. For certain records I am getting the following warning and the records are not loaded into the table:

DSD.BCIPut call to OCONV failed.
Column: Phrase, NLS mapname: CODEUNI, Column data (after conversion): D

Any help is appreciated,


Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:06 pm
by anandkumarm

Thanks for the response, the culprit in our data was a special character which looks like an apostrophe but its not once that character has been cleaned everyhting works fine.
