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Running but Not Running

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:30 am
by Amit_111
Hi All,

I have a Job which Inserts around 5 Million records in a table. This job have been executed fine several times and takes around 1 Hour but suddenly during our last execution this job was executing for almost 3 Days but still didnt finished. Finally we stoped this job and re-run it after which it was executed successfully within an hour.

When the job executed for 3 Days we had checked the details and found that the row transfer was stuck at around 2 million rows after which no rows went in the target table but still the job was showing status as running. Also no error was thrown in the DS Director logs so we are not able to find the exact reason why it went in infinite execution mode.

Can any one list down the possible reasons why such thing happened so that we can analyze in that direction?

Thanks in Advance.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:44 am
by us1aslam1us
Most common reasons will be loosing the network during the load and the other might be someone else had tried to access the same table which can create lock on the table.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:33 pm
by jdmiceli
Another reason could be that the system ran out of resources and is paging as things free up. Depending on the system, this can basically lock the processor, RAM and hard drive just doing the continuous swapping.

Merry Christmas!