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transformer function

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:09 pm
by just4u_sharath
Suppose the data is in this format ---yyyymm ex---199012 (year--1990, month--december). Now my question i have to fetch the last day of the this month in 1990 year.

given 199012---get last day of month 12 year 1990

given 200203--get last day of month 03 in ear 2002.

can you please help me how can i do this

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:40 pm
by chulett
The old way is to bump the date to the first day of the next month and then subtract one day from the date, something you could build a routine to do. If you wanted to use what is built into the Server product, investigate the MONTH.LAST transform under the Built-In\Dates category.