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Using DataStage to populate tables in Star schema

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:13 pm
by yaminids

All these days we were using DataStage only to extract data into Staging tables. From now on we want to use it to process the staging data and populate dim/fact tables in Star schema

Can someone please answer the following questions
1) Can DataStage be used effectively to populate tables containing millions of records in a Star schema
2) Are there previous posts discussing such topics

In my case I am planning to populate 1 fact table with 5 dim tables. The problem is I don't know how I can retrieve the keys from the dim tables before inserting data into fact table. I think building 'Hash' files is out of equation as some of dim tables contain multi million records.

Can someone guide me in this case as this is the first I am using DataStage to do this kind of work

Any help would be highly appreciated

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:17 pm
by ray.wurlod
DataStage was originally developed precisely for loading star schemas (the preferred implementation for data warehouses and data marts). It works brilliantly. As with any other load sequence you need to load the tables in the correct order so that referential integrity is preserved - outriders first, then dimension tables, and finally fact tables.

As to whether there are previous topics, have you noticed that there is a Search facility available in the menu at the top of the page?