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Checking status flag before running Jobs

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:18 am
by baglasumit21
I have a table with Sys_date and Flag field. If the flag is Y for system date(Todays Date) then I need to run data movement jobs. I need to implement the logic as It should keep quering the table to check the flag for todays date. As soon as It finds the flag as Y it should run my jobs. How can I achieve this. Please help me...
Thanks in Advance

Additional Info:
Backend is Oracle

Re: Checking status flag before running Jobs

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:57 am
by ogmios
Use a BASIC job

Re: Checking status flag before running Jobs

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:27 am
by baglasumit21
ogmios wrote:Use a BASIC job
I created a basic job that just reads from the table and if the flag is Y then it marks the job as finished ok and if the flag is N then it marks the job as Finished with warning.

I handled the finished condition in a job sequence to execute the next job. if the status is Ok the i run the next job and if the status is otherwise i abort the sequence job
