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XML all records in same file

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:46 am
by knowledge

I have a requirement where I have to process xml file ,
and have job designed which works fine ,

folder stage --> xml input stage --> Seq file stage .
Previously I had seperate file for each record , I mean in one file I have just one patient report record ,

My job works fine ,

Now I have the xml file which has common header and repeating details of many patient in same file , but when I process this xml file through above job it gives me only one record in the seq file ,

Please suggest me ,do I have to change above job or set something in the job which will process one file but gives me all records at the op ,

New file :


This is example where many records share same header in one file ,

Earlier I had seperate file with header and and data for only one record,

for ex:


Please suggest

Re: XML all records in same file

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 11:45 pm
by sachin1
please check for your repeating element and its description(XPATH expression).

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:38 pm
by knowledge
Hi sachin,
How can I check repeating element , as there are many repeating elements in the same file ,At a time I can only select one repeating element in xml input stage,
can u Please elaborate .......
In my file I will have all repeating tags for different patients

XML all records in same file(resolved)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:57 am
by knowledge
[quote="knowledge"]Hi sachin,
How can I check repeating element , as there are many repeating elements in the same file ,At a time I can only select one repeating element in xml input stage,
can u Please elaborate .......
In my file I will have all repeating tags for different patients

Thanks Sachin ,

I got it , marked one of the element as repeating element and got data for aother elements too ....
Thank you ,

how we can read single row into multile rows using pivot sta

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:27 am
by mallikarjuna36

Could you please help me on solving the below problem

I am having a file coming from MV.

the file contains like

"abs,CAA,CGR.." like this,i want to populate the data by
CGR like this.

I know we can use pivot stage,But my question is where can we give the job parametrers in the pivot stage.And how we can do this.

Thanks for your time and effort.


how we can read single row into multile rows using pivot sta

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:28 am
by mallikarjuna36

Could you please help me on solving the below problem

I am having a file coming from MV.

the file contains like

"abs,CAA,CGR.." like this,i want to populate the data by
CGR like this.

I know we can use pivot stage,But my question is where can we give the job parametrers in the pivot stage.And how we can do this.

Thanks for your time and effort.


Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:36 pm
by ray.wurlod
As noted elsewhere, you do NOT hijack threads.

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There is a button captioned "Post new topic" on the left of the button bar. Use it.

That way we will know a little more about your configuration.

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