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Datastage Query

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:47 pm
by nitin_sharma2459

Can we get a return values in routines or not?

How can I run a routines in windows & unix enviornment?

How will I create a before & after sub routines?


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:07 pm
by DeepakCorning
A good start will be the online manuals , they have lots of information on Routines and how they work.

Re: Datastage Query

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:10 pm
by ArndW
Can we get a return values in routines or not? Yes, routines can return values
How can I run a routines in windows & unix enviornment? Yes, DataStage server routines will work across all supported platforms
How will I create a before & after sub routines? Follow the instructions in the documentation. If you have problems the people here at DSXchange will certainly assist

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 2:38 pm
by roy
No offence Nitin, But what exactly are you asking?

Your posting in the server job forum while stating your question is for the parallel version? which one is it?

I believe people here would be more helpful with a question like:
"I'm doing this ... Expecting that ... but getting this... instead can anyone help?"

You've posted 4 topics,
2 in the TX asking for similar questions
1 in the PX
and this one
Except for fishing for info, Can you please state
what version of DS your question regards (hopefully in that version's forum)?
and what exactly is the problem?

Then people here might be able to help you, the ones that can help in TX / PX or any other flavor sample and answer in the related forums as well so there is no need to post in each forum the same questions.

Your questions lack meaning and enough information for a reasonable answer and seem to be taken from a job application or something similar(Hoping this is not the case)

Again no offence meant, but the questions you ask are wrongly phrased if indeed you have a real problem needing an answer.

Question 1 > Yes, routines can return values
Question 2 > I guess you simply run them on unix or windows (or did I not understand the question?)
Question 3 > I reccomend taking the proper course, but if that is not an option read the manuals as said before or get some one that knows to teach you.

nitin_sharma2459 wrote:Hi,

Can we get a return values in routines or not?

How can I run a routines in windows & unix enviornment?

How will I create a before & after sub routines?


Roy Rudnik.