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Execute Oracle Stored Procedure(SP)

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:33 pm
by egends

I have an oracle SP and I want to execute in every 30 mins. Hoping DS should be able to handle this through the so called 'Stored Procedure' stage. But when i run it is telling that there are no output ports (why shall i define any port). Also I do not want to write a UNIX script for this, though i can.

If someone has executed this scenario only, pl. response.

I can see replies that this has been already sent across. But i didn't find anything concrete so far.


Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:06 pm
by chulett
To simply run a Stored Procedure every X minutes, why not just setup an Oracle 'job' to do that? There's really no need for DataStage to do something like that.

Re: Execute Oracle Stored Procedure(SP)

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:31 am
by sachin1
hello can you define upper limit for your procedure, like until what date you want your procedure to run say upto say 01-01-2010 in interval of 30 mintues.

i have an idea like you define one job with stored procedure stage and call that job from other job using job control and sleep statement, hope that may help.