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Web Services

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:44 pm
by g_rkrish

I am pretty much new to the Web services ..thing..My requirement is i have a XML file definitions..for that i need to extract from a webservices...and load to the table..i just created a sample webservices job to do that..
I created the job with the Webservices client stage ..and putting in to a file..But i do that am getting an error saying

ASCL-DSJNI-00011`:`JNIWrapper: load library failed: directory /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java/jre/bin/sovvm, name jvm
Could not load module /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java/jre/bin/sovvm/libjvm.a.
System error: No such file or directory

do i need install some utitlites or some webservies plugin pls help me out..

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:59 pm
by eostic
It's possible that it's the environment variables for the DataStage JVM.....try configuring these via the Administrator...

DATASTAGE_JRE =C:\IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\apps

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:37 pm
by ray.wurlod
You may also need to edit your CLASSPATH environment variable.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:19 am
by g_rkrish
ray.wurlod wrote:You may also need to edit your CLASSPATH environment variable. ...
Do i need to do with the dsenv file..also i have a separte install in my server for thw webservices in that i see thses folders..but in the Inforamtion server i dont have bin dir in is there some thing i need to install on Information server or can i make it point to the Webservices install directory..Pls help with the Procedure....


Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 12:13 pm
by lstsaur
You need to create a link "jre -> /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/apps/jre". Then it should work.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:48 pm
by g_rkrish
lstsaur wrote:RK,
You need to create a link "jre -> /opt/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/apps/jre". Then it should work.
can you explain in detail pls....

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:26 pm
by chulett
He is suggesting you need to create a symbolic link (or soft link) so that the software can find the jre. The question in my mind is where exactly you need to create this. And depending on permissions, you may need to get a SysAdmin to do this for you.

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:22 pm
by lstsaur
Your job aborted becasue the DS couldn't find the "/jre/bin/classic" directory under the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java, that's why you need to create a link (soft link), "jre -> /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/apps/jre", from the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java directory.

After the link has created, then the DS will find and load the JVM (libjvm).

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:37 am
by g_rkrish
lstsaur wrote:RK,
Your job aborted becasue the DS couldn't find the "/jre/bin/classic" directory under the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java, that's why you need to create a link (soft link), "jre -> /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/ASBNode/apps/jre", from the /etlinstall/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSEngine/java directory.

After the link has created, then the DS will find and load the JVM (libjvm).
thanks for your help..i created soft link but i get a new error saying
Abnormal termination of stage Test..Sequential_File_3.IDENT1 detected

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:33 pm
by lstsaur
Post your job and elaborate more what the job trying to do.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:45 pm
by g_rkrish
lstsaur wrote:RK,
Post your job and elaborate more what the job trying to do.
what am doing is i have xml file definition..for theat i have data from the webservices which has two functions to perform to get the extract..also the webservices has a strkey which needs to be what i did was with xml defintion follwing properties i gave it on the webservices client....

1.On the advance webservices property i gave the option for the service name which the webservices webstie address
2.On the operation i gave the function.
3.On the WSDL address i gave WSDL address link

then on the security tab i gave the strkey in the keystore file field....

From there i jsut put it into a seQential file....

Thats it..

Pls lemme know if you need more info...


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:18 pm
by eostic
Sounds like an interesting application, but I'd suggest that there are too many "new" things going on here.

Let's first make sure that the Web Services Pack is doing what it should and working as you expect it....on a tiny web that has simple input and output....a simple WSDL, and absolutely no security.

Once that is working perfectly in a unit test fashion, then we can move on from there.

Right now it's hard to tell whether errors you are getting are WSPack related, Web Service related, environment related, or something else altogether.

A great Web Service for use in the WS Transformer is on ....go to their home page (it's down at the moment or I'd cut/paste the url here) on "FULL LIST" link about in the middle of the home page....then use CNTL-F and locate "Temperature Conversion Service". Drill into its WSDL and then copy that URL to the clipboard. Use the WSDL Meta Data IMporter and go to that WSDL, then ultimately import your table defintion (you have to drill thru to the operation CtoF or FtoC on the right and click Import. You will get several tabledefs in DataStage. Assuming that works ok, THEN go to the WSTransformer and load the Web Service, and then go to the message tabs and "load" the message detail (the link column details get loaded automatically). As a best practice, you should surround your WSTransformer with regular Transformers on either your test job should be something like RowGenerator or Flat File to Transformer to WSTransformer to Transformer to Sequential target....

Generate some sample temperatures and make sure that works.


Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:24 pm
by g_rkrish
eostic wrote:Sounds like an interesting application, but I'd suggest that there are too many "new" things going on here.

Let's first make sure that the Web Services Pack is doing what it should and working as you expect it....on a tiny web that has simple input and output....a simple WSDL, and absolutely no security.

Once that is working perfectly in a unit test fashion, then we can move on from there.

Right now it's hard to tell whether errors you are getting are WSPack related, Web Service related, environment related, or something else altogether.

A great Web Service for use in the WS Transformer is on ....go to their home page (it's down at the moment or I'd cut/paste the url here) on "FULL LIST" link about in the middle of the home page....then use CNTL-F and locate "Temperature Conversion Service". Drill into its WSDL and then copy that URL to the clipboard. Use the WSDL Meta Data IMporter and go to that WSDL, then ultimately import your table defintion (you have to drill thru to the operation CtoF or FtoC on the right and click Import. You will get several tabledefs in DataStage. Assuming that works ok, THEN go to the WSTransformer and load the Web Service, and then go to the message tabs and "load" the message detail (the link column details get loaded automatically). As a best practice, you should surround your WSTransformer with regular Transformers on either your test job should be something like RowGenerator or Flat File to Transformer to WSTransformer to Transformer to Sequential target....

Generate some sample temperatures and make sure that works.

thanks for your replay..I will do the same from the web once it is up...and i will post whats gonna....


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:42 am
by g_rkrish
eostic wrote:Sounds like an interesting application, but I'd suggest that there are too many "new" things going on here.

Let's first make sure that the Web Services Pack is doing what it should and working as you expect it....on a tiny web that has simple input and output....a simple WSDL, and absolutely no security.

Once that is working perfectly in a unit test fashion, then we can move on from there.

Right now it's hard to tell whether errors you are getting are WSPack related, Web Service related, environment related, or something else altogether.

A great Web Service for use in the WS Transformer is on ....go to their home page (it's down at the moment or I'd cut/paste the url here) on "FULL LIST" link about in the middle of the home page....then use CNTL-F and locate "Temperature Conversion Service". Drill into its WSDL and then copy that URL to the clipboard. Use the WSDL Meta Data IMporter and go to that WSDL, then ultimately import your table defintion (you have to drill thru to the operation CtoF or FtoC on the right and click Import. You will get several tabledefs in DataStage. Assuming that works ok, THEN go to the WSTransformer and load the Web Service, and then go to the message tabs and "load" the message detail (the link column details get loaded automatically). As a best practice, you should surround your WSTransformer with regular Transformers on either your test job should be something like RowGenerator or Flat File to Transformer to WSTransformer to Transformer to Sequential target....

Generate some sample temperatures and make sure that works.

The webstie looks down all the time is there some other website where i could do those testing...Pls help me out....


Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:40 pm
by eostic
There are "public web services" and there are dozens of sites offering everything from geographical temperatures to stock quotes and lots in between. Bummer about xmethods --- it is/was one of the best.... but keep looking.
