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ArraySize/Transaction Size

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:51 pm
by cosec
I have a target DB2 Stage with the Array size Set to 1 and Transaction size set to 100. when I set a the array size to 50 I get a warning in the director log. the update action s set to " Update or insert" .

What would be a reccomended setting for these two sizes to get a decent performance?
Would it be different for a Stage with update action "Clear and Insert" ?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:10 pm
by chulett
My personal opinion is you can't get "decent performance" from either of those combo Actions. And from what I recall from reading here, the DB2 stage not only logs a warning when your Array Size is greater than 1 with either of those actions, but it actually changes it to use 1 during the job run.

Personally, I never use them. I feel you are better off knowing your inserts from your updates and using dedicated links.