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Trigger of Events

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:26 am
by asitagrawal
Hi All,

Below is the job design:

Code: Select all

The Routine is coded for a loop where it waits for 10 files to arrive in a particular location. It issues DIR commands to check for the files.

The Trigger Condition are as follows:
For Seq01-Seq02: Seq01.$JobStatus=1 OR Seq01.$JobStatus=2
For Seq01-Routine: Seq01.$JobStatus=1 OR Seq01.$JobStatus=2

Now, in the latest run fo the process, the Seq01 has finished Ok.... and it triggerred the Routine first and since the files for whcih it was waiting , were not present so it kept waiting in a loop, but I am unable to understand that why the Seq02 did not trigger at all ?

Anyhow, I created 10 dummy files so that the routine came out of the loop and then Seq02 started !!

Please help in understanding the problem.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:17 am
by asitagrawal
The problem has been resolved... bye replacing the routine by a sequence...