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FTP Stage

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:28 pm
by Billyqing
I am doing transferring files from Mainframe to server through FTP Stage of Server Edition. I found jobs aborted due to a Null Value for a 'Not Null' filed, but the acutual 'Not Null' field has a value.

Error message:

DBOBJftp..Transformer_1: Not enough columns (row 3), and column 'DB_OBJ_EDT' is not 'nullable'.

Each time job aborted, the error messaged mentioned the last 2 fields having Null values, but one of the middle 4 fields has a Null value in the acutual file.

Does anyone have this experience and know how to handle this issue?
See the columns definitions

Column definition:

DB-OBJ-ID Integer(4) Not Null
DB-TBL-NM Char(7) Not Null
DB-PRTN-NM Char(11)
DB-OBJ-EDT Date Not NUll
DB-OBJ-XDT Date Not Null

Appreciate for any repply


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:55 pm
by ArndW
The issue is missing columns and how that affects your data. If a column in the middle is missing DataStage cannot know that, it can only assume that the last column is missing and all the values shift left one position. You probably have your input stage settings so that missing columns are accepted. In the last 2 columns make sure you set the default values to some valid date and your null errors will go away - but you program probably still won't work correctly because of file format problems.