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Extacting a very large volume of data

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:13 pm
by loe_ram13
Dear All,
I have a monthly job that extracts data from table whose volume is very huge around 300 crore records totally & 60 columns.
I have to extract 15 columns from that table and also have a group by clause in it to find the count of each person who has called more than 3 times.
My present query takes 45 hrs to do this.
Any better idea??
Suggestions welcome.
Kindly help!!!
Thanks in advance!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:28 pm
by chulett
Not alot to go on, and more of a sql problem than a DataStage one. What database? I've found that your first line of defense for things like this is usually your DBA - have you taken this to them, see what they suggest?

There are all kinds of things that could help, but knowing nothing about your environment or structures makes it hard to offer specific suggestions.