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Generate XML format

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:45 pm
by zhaicaibing

I am trying to use DataStage to convert data to XML format. I have looked at the XML pack Designer Guide but the 3 XML input stage, XML output stage and XML transform stage in the guide is different from the datastage 7.1.5a, the properties are also different. The online help does not have much infor on XML generation.

Please advice me where can I know more about DS generate XML format and why the guide and the actual are different.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:14 pm
by chulett
Are you looking at the XMLPACK_20_Designer.pdf manual? If that truly doesn't match with what you have installed then I'd say you still have the 1.0 release of the XML PACK installed somehow. :?

As for other resources, check Kim Duke's tips page where, if you scroll down near the bottom, you'll find an XML Best Practices document posted. Well worth your time to download and read.