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Executing db2 sql command in a routine

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:05 am
by rafik2k
I have created one simple sever routine as below, where I am connecting to database and trying to insert one record into a table.

There is no compilation error and while testing it returns 0, but record is not inserting into table.

Could you please let me know where I am going wrong? and what is solution on this?

Code: Select all

DB2Cmd="connect to sample user test using test;insert into db2admin.add(name,phone) values('ABC',111);"

Call DSExecute("TCL", DB2Cmd, ResultText, SystemReturnCode) 

If SystemReturnCode = 0 Then 
Ans = 0 

If SystemReturnCode <> 0 Then 
Ans = 1 
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:56 am
by ray.wurlod
Don't you need a quit in DB2Cmd ?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:49 am
by chulett
Umm... you need to run it from 'DOS' rather than 'TCL'.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:19 am
by rafik2k
chulett wrote:Umm... you need to run it from 'DOS' rather than 'TCL'. ...
Thanks Craig for input,
even I tried using DOS, I didn't get compilation error, but it returns 1
Don't you need a quit in DB2Cmd ?
Ray: Do you mean connect reset command?

Please advice where I am going wrong.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:25 am
by chulett
Does your syntax work from the command line? Call DSLogInfo() with your ResultText to see what's going on...

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 3:27 pm
by rafik2k
I have modified the code and tried to run, but the job aborted sayting
Job stopped - before-job routine returned error: Error variable unassigned on return from BEFORE routine DSU.tempSql

Code: Select all

DB2Cmd1="db2cmd;db2 connect to sample user test using test; db2 insert into db2admin.add(name,phone) values('ABC',111); db2 connect reset"

Call DSExecute("DOS", DB2Cmd1, ResultText, SystemReturnCode) 

Call DSLogInfo("msg  " : ResultText, "temp") 

If SystemReturnCode = 0 Then 
Ans = 0 

If SystemReturnCode <> 0 Then 
Ans = 1 
and routine doesnot give any log information.

But the following code runs perferctly using batch file.
Could you please let me know what is the issue for above code?

Code: Select all

db2 connect to sample user test using test

db2 insert into db2admin.add(name,phone) values('ABC',111)
db2 connect reset

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2007 5:06 pm
by chulett
"Error variable unassigned on return from BEFORE routine"

Your problem in a nutshell. A Before/After Subroutine is not equivalent to a Transform Function like you would use in a Transformer derivation. And which you seem to be trying to write.

A Transform Function can have multiple Arg values and returns a single Ans variable. Before/After subroutines take an InputArg and return an ErrorCode. The default code when you start one looks like this:

Code: Select all

ErrorCode = 0   ;* set this to non-zero to stop the stage/job
You seemed to have removed this and replaced it with the 'Ans' that a Transform Function would expect.

You'll need to correct this.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:46 am
by rafik2k
Thanks Craig!
I added your suggestion, this time job runs fine, but SystemReturnCode deos not return 0 and record is not inserting.
Moreover ResultText doesnot retun any information.

Code: Select all

DB2Cmd1="db2cmd;db2 connect to sample user test using test; db2 insert into db2admin.add(name,phone) values('ABC',111); db2 connect reset" 

Call DSExecute("DOS", DB2Cmd1, ResultText, SystemReturnCode) 

If SystemReturnCode = 0 Then 
Call DSLogInfo("msg insert success " : ResultText, "temp") 

If SystemReturnCode <> 0 Then 
Call DSLogInfo("msg  insert error " : ResultText, "temp") 

** Free allocated ressources 
      ErrorCode = 0 ; 

Kindly let me know if anyone of you have any suggestion.


Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:35 am
by rafik2k
I searched in archive and the following code executes db2 sql perferctly.

Still i am wondering why my previous code does not work!

Any help or suggestion on this will be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

Code: Select all


** Initialise parameters ODBC 
      henv = SQL.NULL.HENV 
      hConn = SQL.NULL.HDBC 
      hstmt = SQL.NULL.HSTMT 
      password = Field(InputArg,"|",3) 
      userName = Field(InputArg,"|",2) 
      dataSource = Field(InputArg,"|",1) 

Call DSLogInfo("password  " : password, "ExecSql") 
Call DSLogInfo("userName  " : userName, "ExecSql") 
Call DSLogInfo("dataSource " : dataSource, "ExecSql") 

** Connect to DataSource 
      status = SQLAllocEnv(hEnv) 
      status = SQLAllocConnect(hEnv, hConn) 
      status = SQLConnect(hConn, dataSource, userName , password ) 

      If status = SQL.ERROR 
         Call DSLogInfo("Connection KO " , "ExecSql") 
         ErrorCode = -1 ; 
         Goto Finally 
      End Else 
         Call DSLogInfo("Connection OK " , "ExecSql") 

** Execution request (here, my Sql Statement ) 
      status = SQLAllocStmt(hConn, hStmt) 
      Stmt= "insert into db2admin.add values('Munir',888);" 
      Call DSLogInfo("request SQL: " : Stmt, "ExecSql") 
      status = SQLExecDirect(hStmt, Stmt) 

         Call DSLogInfo("Request KO ", "ExecSql") 
         ErrorCode = -1 ; 
         Goto Finally 
      End Else 
         Call DSLogInfo("Request OK ", "ExecSql") 

** Free allocated ressources 
      ErrorCode = 0 ; 
      status = SQLFreeStmt(hStmt, SQL.DROP) 
      status = SQLDisconnect(hConn) 
      status = SQLFreeConnect(hConn) 
      status = SQLFreeEnv(hEnv) 

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:53 am
by ray.wurlod
The latter code, with the SQL... functions, is leveraging the BASIC SQL Client Interface.

In your previous post, is there anything in ResultText when SystemReturnCode is non-zero?
What you're doing in this example is creating a virtual BAT file - SystemReturnCode captures its exit status and ResultText captures its output.

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:45 pm
by rafik2k
Thanks Ray and Craig for your input!
I would appreciate if somebody helps me to find solution of my original post

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:37 pm
by ray.wurlod
And we would appreciate it if you were to post what you get in ResultText, as requested.