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Maximum Column length of Hashed File

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:26 am
What will be the maximum value (in length), i can store in Hashed file for a particular column?

I am thinking of storing some appended values in a Hashed File, Something like

Code: Select all

KeyCol               NonKeyCol
k1                 AA|BB|CC|DD|EE
K2                 AA|BB|CC|DD|EE
Here the length of the Non key column will change based upon the number of records in the table. What will be the maximum column length that hashed file can store?? Is there any limitation. In this case what is the column length , i have to set in my Hashed file?

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:16 am
by DSguru2B
What is the maximum that you will expect? Set it to varchar 4000. It should be able to accept that. If thats way, way too much, then set it to varchar 255.

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 9:27 am
by kcbland
As long as you're not using the UV/ODBC stage against a Hashed file the metadata doesn't matter. A column can contain megabytes worth of data. Hashed files have no internal structure, thus columns are not data typed or sized. The only column that matters w/r/t size is the key column and that defaults to a 768 character limit.