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Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:59 am
by sri75

I have one routine activity and one job in sequence.

1 >When I ran the sequence, job in the sequence got aborted. but in the director , status of sequence is shown as finished and job's status is shown as Aborted.I wanted to see the status of sequence is also aborted.all compile options in the job properties are unchecked.

2 >When I checked all compilation options , sequence is getting aborted at routine activity.

Can you please explain me why in the first case it didn't abort at routine activity ?

this is the error message

Seq..JobControl (@Routine_Activity_0): Controller problem: Unhandled failure (2006) encountered calling routine DSU.GetYear

Message: Seq..JobControl (@Coordinator): Summary of sequence run
12:49:45: Sequence started (checkpointing on)
12:49:45: Routine_Activity_0 (ROUTINE DSU.GetYear) started
12:49:45: Routine_Activity_0 finished, reply=2006
12:49:45: Exception raised: @Routine_Activity_0, Unhandled failure (2006) encountered calling routine DSU.GetYear
12:49:45: Sequence failed (restartable)
Message: Seq..JobControl (fatal error from @Coordinator): Sequence job (restartable) will abort due to previous unrecoverable errors


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:33 am
by Maveric
You need to use a sequence terminator activity to terminate the sequence. Trigger the terminator activity stage only when the job aborts.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:05 pm
by sri75
Thanks Maveric for your reply.

I added sequence terminator Stage to the Sequence.Can you please tell me where to put the logic to trigger the terminator stage only ,when the job aborts.
is this in job control code.


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:45 pm
by sri75
I am able to solve this prblem.

Thanks Maveric for your help